Employee figures

Total number of employees (as at 31 December)633390381
Number of full-time equivalents (as at 31 December) 1589364356
Employees by area  
Administration and Marketing/Sales1206961
Laboratory and Development945254
Production 343190192
Supply Chain and Technology 763530
Employees by location  
Sulgen 166151131
Medeikiai, UAB HOCHDORF Baltic Milk524444
Marbach, Marbacher Ölmühle GmbH14
Prenzlau, Uckermärker Milch GmbH184
Cape Town, HOCHDORF South Africa Ltd5
Trainees in occupational apprenticeships 311110
Total proportion of women 32 %28 %28 %
Proportion of women in middle- and upper-tier management22 %18 %18 %
Staff turnover 25.85 %6.65 %5.09 %
Sickness rate, in % of all working days 34.70 %1.14 %1.36 %
Accident rate, in % of all working days0.52 %0.66 %0.4 %
  1. Apprentices are calculated at 50 % of a position.
  2. Voluntary departures in relation to the average number of employees per year.
  3. First figures for companies abroad.