Consolidated income statement

Explanations in the notes 


in %


in %
  1.1.21 – 31.12.21 1.1.20 – 31.12.20 
Net revenue from deliveries & services16)303,51586.9%306,199100.4%
Other operating income17)43,87812.6%9940.3%
Change in inventories of semi-finished and finished products 2,0280.6%–2,192–0.7%
Production revenue 349,421100.0%305,001100.0%
Cost of materials and goods –238,210–68.2%–210,668–69.1%
Gross operating profit 111,21031.8%94,33230.9%
Personnel expenses18)–40,280–11.5%–39,722–13.0%
Other operating expenses19)–46,215–13.2%–40,741–13.4%
Total operating expenses –86,495–24.8%–80,463–26.4%
EBITDA 24,7157.1%13,8694.5%
Depreciation of fixed assets6)–17,591–5.0%–82,228–27.0%
Amortisation of intangible assets8)–621–0.2%–684–0.2%
Profit from sale of subsidiaries 00.0%1,1700.4%
EBIT 6,5031.9%–67,872–22.3%
Income from associates and joint ventures20)–557–0.2%3500.1%
Financial result20)–5,341–1.5%–5,092–1.7%
Ordinary result 6040.2%–72,615–23.8%
Non-operating result21)590.0%50.0%
Extraordinary result 00.0%10.0%
Earnings before taxes 6630.2%–72,608–23.8%
Income taxes22)1,8890.5%2,3350.8%
Net result 2,5520.7%–70,274–23.0%
Attributable to:     
Net result current year (shareholder) 25500.7%–70,133–23.0%
Net result current year (minority interests) 20.0%–1410.0%
Net result 2,5520.7%–70,274–23.0%
Earnings per share (basic)23)1.20 –34.60 
Earnings per share (diluted)23)1.20 –34.60 

The figures were recorded to the nearest centime, but not shown. Rounding differences may therefore occur.