Cereals & Ingredients business area

In the first half of the year, Cereals & Ingredients achieved organic growth of more than 30%. This growth would not have been possible without the great upfront work done in 2017.

In the first half of 2018, the Cereals & Ingredients Division sold products worth CHF 16.3 million (net revenue), thereby achieving growth of almost 40% (PY: CHF 11.7 million; +39.8%). Both Marbacher Ölmühle GmbH and the Swiss Cereals & Ingredients business accounted for organic growth of more than 30%.


The Cereals & Ingredients Division of HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition Ltd recorded significant growth in various product categories. Additionally, some new projects were rolled out in the Kids Food Division.

Marbacher Ölmühle GmbH seamlessly followed up on last year’s growth. Significant turnover growth was achieved in the field of special flours, in particular. We place great emphasis on quality. This is doubtlessly one of the reasons why our quality products received the Taste Awards from the iTQi (International Taste & Quality Institute). The newly launched hemp seed oil even qualified for three of three possible stars. The apricot oil received two stars.

The apple slices of Zifru Trockenprodukte GmbH also received two of three stars from the Taste Awards . The company successfully presented its products at several trade shows and to various customers. At the same time, the marketing efforts for the Snapz brand were intensified.

As announced, HOCHDORF South Africa Ltd was able to significantly increase its sales at a still relatively low level. For example, the retail sales of Afrikoa chocolate doubled compared to the previous year.


Long-standing Managing Director Michel Burla has decided to leave the HOCHDORF Group as of the end of the year. We will provide information on the successor for the promising Cereals & Ingredients Division in due time.

All in all, the companies of the business division are all making good progress towards the achievement of the goals set for 2018. For this, the market projects need to be completed, and the sales need to be further increased. A number of new product launches have already been planned with various customers and distributors.