The energy consumption of the HOCHDORF Group (fossil fuel energy sources and electricity) decreased over two years by 3.5% from 270.2 to 260.7 gigawatt hours. However, compared to the previous year, 20.9% fewer products were manufactured (186,845 tons in 2017 vs. 236,179 tons in 2016). Correspondingly, around 1,395 kWh of energy was used per tonne of product (fossil fuel energy sources and electricity) (PY 1,144 kWh/t; +22.0%). This shows that well utilised facilities produce more efficiently. However, a certain proportion of the consumption can be attributed to construction activity in Sulgen.
The subject of efficiency also comes up when analysing CO2 values. These were calculated using conversion factors and based on the original energy source. Consequently, HOCHDORF production plants emitted around 53,800 tonnes of CO2 in 2017 (PY 57,200 t). Per produced tonne of product, this results in a value of 288.1 kg CO2 (PY 242.3 kg CO2/t).
In the past business year we, for example, invested in a new, more efficient high concentrator in Hochdorf. The high rack storage area was also put into operation in Sulgen at the end of 2017. Previously, these materials were stored temporarily at external sites. Thanks to on-site storage, large numbers of lorry trips will no longer be necessary in 2018.