Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Share capitalOwn sharesCapital reservesRetained earningsAccumulated
currency translation

Total excl.



Total including
Equity as at 31.12.201514,348-3,814101,49076,972-4,410184,5858,203192,788
Allocation of capital investments
to free reserves
Capital increase-49-49-49
Purchase of treasury shares-1,613-1,613-1,613
Sale of treasury shares9141831,0971,097
Currency translation differences-86-86-36-122
Dividend of parent company-5,216-5,216-5,216
Net profit 10,76510,76527411,039
Equity as at 30.06.201614,348 –4,51396,31587,830 –4,496189,4838,441197,924
Equity as at 31.12.201614,348–5,14696,731–68,993–4,72332,21613,58845,805
Goodwill/badwill from acquisition of shares of subsidiaries–1–1–49–49
Allocation of capital investments
to free reserves
Capital increase–1,4309–1,4219–1,412
Mandatory convertible bond218,490218,490218,490
Purchase of treasury shares–1,976–1,976–1,976
Sale of treasury shares15179230230
Currency translation differences31031023333
Dividend of parent company–5,337–5,337–5,337
Net profit6,7896,7896,03912,827
Equity as at 30.06.201714,348 1–6,971308,418–62,0812–4,413249,30119,610268,911
  1. 1,434,760 registered shares at a nominal value of CHF 10.00; each share corresponds to one vote; the maximum entry limit in the share register is 15 % of the votes.
  2. Thereof non-distributable legal reserves TCHF 10,172 (previous year: TCHF 10,172).

Contingent capital

The Group has contingent capital in the nominal amount of CHF 7,173,800, corresponding to 717,380 registered shares at a nominal value of CHF 10 each, which is connected to the outstanding mandatory convertible bond.